This recently modernized museum was established in 1996 EC ‘ to preserve and protect the heritage of past religious leaders and preserve religious icons and items’. The museum ( /the Ethiopian Tewahdo Orthodox Church Patriarchate Museum & Library ) is located at the Patriarchate Office and close to the National Museum of Ethiopia.

This purposefully rebuilt museum on the premises of the old Patriarchate residence also includes a well organised library of religious books and manuscripts for researchers and lay visitors alike.

The museum includes various artefacts including manuscripts ( Brana) religious icons and materials, wood carved religious icons and paintings, pictures of past religious leaders, as well as robes. The items were acquired through donations by past religious leaders ( Patriarchs, Archbishops etc..) , members of the nobility and other individuals. Items are well kept in new showcases, has lifts to its upper chambers ; items are numbered and captioned with a central catalogue. It is protected by CCTV cameras as well as physical guard protection externally.

Museum is open every working day except weekends, with plan to open it on weekends in the near future. Museum staff assist in explaining collection and are helpful for group visiting groups.An entrance fee of 1 birr for students 3 birr for adults and 25 birr for foreigners